Stephanie Price


Stephanie joined the V. Sattui team in October 2019 as Promotions Manager. Since then, her role has grown to encompass managing the wine club as well. She wears many hats (which she loves) and says she’s learned that she can handle so much more than she ever thought.

But her favorite part of V. Sattui is the people. She says, “It feels like everyone who works here is a family member. We laugh, we debate, and when it’s crunch time, we rally and make it happen. It’s great being on this team.” (she’s also a big fan of the deli’s bresaola sandwich)

Growing up in Southern California, Stephanie was a theater enthusiast and a Junior Olympic Nordic skier. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree from UC Davis, after which she managed a Flagship Branch at Enterprise Rent-A-Car and held several positions in wineries and wine marketing firms. She lives in the town of Napa with her husband Adam and daughter Antonia, and in her free time, loves to do creative writing, crafting, wine tasting, and eBike riding. She’s proud to be a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and appreciates that at V. Sattui, she feels “genuinely encouraged to be my authentic self, which has allowed me to stretch my creative and organizational muscles to come up with new and unique ideas.”

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