Beef Filet with Creamed Spinach and Red Wine Demi Glace

A deliciously savory dish that’s sure to satisfy, and pairs perfectly with V. Sattui’s collection of Cabernet and hearty red wines.


Beef Filet
Whole Beef Filet — 1 (Cleaned/De-footed)
Salt —  to taste
Black Pepper — to taste
Canola Oil — 1 tbsp

Creamed Spinach
Heavy Whipping Cream — 1 quart, reduced to 2 cups
Extra Virgin Olive Oil — 1/4 cup
Medium Shallot — minced
Spinach — 1 lb
Salt — to taste
Black Pepper — to taste
Nutmeg — grated to taste
Fried Garlic — garnish (optional)

Red Wine Demi Glace (Optional)
Demi Glace Concentrate — 2 cups
Red Wine — 1 bottle


Beef Filet:
Pat filets dry with paper towels and season liberally with salt & pepper.

Using Canola or a neutral oil with a high smoke point, get a pan hot, and oil to smoke point. Sear dried and seasoned beef, developing a nicely crusted sear. Finish by basting in the pan or in an oven at 300°F – 325°F until desired doneness.

Allow meat to rest for approximately 6 minutes prior to serving.

Creamed Spinach:
In a large sauce pot, the wider the better, add 1 quart of heavy whipping cream and reduce by half over low heat until cream is thickened, and bubbles appear thick. Reserve for later.

In a large sauté pan, add extra virgin olive oil, once hot add shallots and sweat until translucent and color has faded.

Add spinach to pan and sauté spinach until tender and wilted. Strain spinach & shallot mixture over a strainer and bowl to get rid of any excess water. Rough chop spinach mixture and combine with reduced cream. Adjust final seasoning and grate fresh nutmeg across to taste.

Serve immediately garnishing with fried garlic.

Red Wine Demi Glace (Optional):
Combine Demi Glace Concentrate and 1 bottle of red wine in a pot, and reduce approximately 1 hour. Drizzle over plated dish.

*Pair this with V. Sattui’s Cabernet Franc or Sauvignon, or any of our hearty red wines. Cheers!

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